Target…tisk, tisk

Target apologizes

I’m not sure how many of you saw this all over facebook or not. Chances are if you are not plus sized, you might not have read the article. I however did. On top of that, I was rubbed the wrong way by quite a few facebook posts pertaining to it. Let me break it down for you.

Target had a maxi dress online. It was grey. The “regular size” maxi dress was listed on their website as dark heather grey. The plus size version of the same exact dress was called manatee grey.

Now, I’m not one to get too offended by stuff like this. I know I’m overweight. I know I’m plus size. BUT…isn’t that unnecessary? A different color name for the same exact dress and the same exact color? I feel like whoever was programming that in at Target OR the creator of the dress (Mossimo) was just poking fun. I think we all know that was not just an oversight, and as Target “apologized” they said manatee grey was a seasonal color. I am not buying it. You think manatee grey is a real seasonal color? Then why in the world was the smaller dress in the same color not called manatee grey as well? Doesn’t make much sense to me, and I think Target’s apology was crap. See the link above.

Now, what I saw on facebook when it came to people posting on this through a news outlet, I was truly shocked. Smaller people commented on it and said things like, who cares, so what, it’s just a color name, etc, etc… Larger women also commented things like, “as long as i can buy it, or as long as it fits i dont care what its called”. Really? Plus size women are so desperate that they are willing to purchase an item from a store that doesn’t respect them?

By the way, for thos plus size women who DO or HAVE shopped at Target, do you like being relegated to the maternity section? That’s where they put all their plus size clothing. It’s incredibly difficult to even decipher where the maternity stops and the plus sizes begin. I stopped shopping at Target as a whole for clothing a while ago when their plus size clothing line began to dwindle severely in stores. They carry more online, but I still like to try things on every once in a while. I love Target for other things. In no way would I boycott their store over something like this, but it certainly makes you think…
